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1- 12 OF 49 ITEMS

Update 24 - 16

Worldwide Classics

Posted Jul, 19. 2024

12 specimens

Update 24 - 15

Biehlite from Tsumeb & More

Posted Jul, 11. 2024

12 specimens

Update 24 - 14

Worldwide Classics

Posted Jun, 13. 2024

12 specimens

Update 24 - 13

Cassiterite-Pseudo from Wheal Coates, Hessite from Botes & More

Posted Jun, 01. 2024

12 specimens

Update 24 - 12

Stephanite fron St. Andreasberg & More

Posted May, 31. 2024

12 specimens

Update 24 - 11

Chalcocite from Flambeau Mine, Fluorites from Spain & More

Posted May, 25. 2024

12 specimens

Update 24 - 10

Native Lead from Långban, Leiteite from Tsumeb & More

Posted May, 17. 2024

12 specimens

Update 24 - 09

Diamond & More

Posted May, 11. 2024

12 specimens

Update 24 - 08

Rhodo from Canada & Worldwide Classics

Posted May, 04. 2024

12 specimens

Update 24 - 07

Rhodos from South Africa & Germany & Much More

Posted Apr, 27. 2024

12 specimens

Update 24 - 06

Gemstones & More

Posted Mar, 31. 2024

12 specimens

Update 24 - 05

Liroconite, Argyrodite & More

Posted Mar, 22. 2024

12 specimens
1- 12 OF 49 ITEMS
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